Steve Jobs Letak Jawatan Kerana Kesihatan Yang Semakin Kritikal
TMZ hari ini memaparkan gambar bekas CEO Apple, Steve Jobs, 2 hari selepas perletakan jawatannya. Steve Jobs kelihatan sangat-sangat sakit, terlalu kurus dan tidak mampu untuk berdiri dengan sendiri.
Pasangan Emas Negara, Koo & Tan Tidak Lagi Perlukan Khidmat Rexy Mainaky
PASANGAN Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong. Gambar kecil Rexy Mainaky.
SAH! Pasangan emas negara, Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong tidak lagi memerlukan khidmat ketua jurulatih, Rexy Mainaky untuk membimbing mereka.
Sumber dalaman Persatuan Badminton Malaysia (BAM) berkata, kedua-dua pemain itu menyatakan pendirian berkenaan dalam pertemuan ‘hati ke hati’ dengan BAM susulan prestasi mengecewakan di Kejohanan Dunia di Wembley London, baru-baru ini.
Jika mereka enggan berlatih dengan saya, saya tidak boleh buat apa-apa, saya serahkan kepada BAM. - Rexy Mainaky, Ketua jurulatih beregu
Pasangan itu juga menuntut BAM mencari pengganti jurulatih Indonesia yang membimbing mereka sejak 2005 itu.Dan semalam, kedua-dua pemain tampak kekal dengan pendirian apabila dikatakan ‘memboikot’ latihan pada hari pertama Rexy memulakan tugasnya - dengan alasan demam.
Keretakan hubungan jurulatih dan anak didiknya itu mula dihidu selepas pasangan itu dikatakan membidas strategi Rexy sebaik tunduk buat kali kelima berturut-turut kepada gandingan kedua Korea Selatan, Ko Sung Hyun-Yoo Yeon Seong di suku akhir Kejohanan Dunia.
Rexy yang menaikkan nama pasangan itu pada zaman kegemilangan mereka pada 2006 dan 2007 dengan membantu memenangi pingat emas Sukan Asia 2006 dan 11 kejuaraan antarabangsa sebelum prestasi mereka merosot.
Namun jurulatih itu enggan mengulas panjang mengenai keputusan mengejutkan anak didiknya itu.
“Jika mereka enggan berlatih dengan saya, saya tidak boleh buat apa-apa, saya serahkan kepada BAM,” katanya ketika dihubungi semalam. “Sebagai jurulatih profesional, saya akur hanya kejayaan cemerlang pasukan dan pemain menjadi pertaruhan.”
Sementara itu, Pengurus Besar BAM, Kenny Goh enggan mengulas keputusan pasangan itu dan berkata, buat masa ini pihaknya belum membuat sebarang keputusan berhubung kedudukan Rexy.
“Dia (Rexy) masih ketua jurulatih beregu.”
Kini terpulang kepada BAM sama ada mahu menuruti kehendak pasangan emas itu, dan andai meluluskan tuntutan mereka, BAM perlu meletak syarat supaya mereka mampu bangkit segera daripada prestasi tidak menentu tatkala lambaian Olimpik London 2012 semakin hampir.
Sumber:- Berita Harian Online
Alhamdulillah.. Akhirnya Innova Abahku Sedia Untuk Berkhidmat
Date : 18 Ogos 2011
Time : Lepas Terawih
Place : Home Sweet Home Penang
Info : Alhamdulillah.. tanggal 18 Ogos 2011 lalu, sudah ada 'pendatang' baru dlm fmly abe.. yang diberi nama Toyota Innova.. alhamdulillah jgk sbb dpt guna sblm raya, sbb abe skluarga rancang nk blk dgn innova ni .. dia punya cc punya besar jgk, lbh krg 2000cc.. doakan abe skluarga dpt pulang ke kg dgn selamat, insyallah...
inilah member abah yg jadi sales advisor utk kete2 yg abah dah beli , Michael..
inspection before bawa balik @ Carlson Jelutong
Iftar Abe Bersama Yeen & Rasy'ain @ Pak Hussin Tom Yam
Date : 22 Ogos 2011
Time : Waktu Berbuka Puasa
Place : Pak Hussin Tomyam, Sg Ara Penang
Info : Kelmarin abe & dua sahabat abe, Yeen & Rasy'ain berbuka puasa @ Pak Hussin Tomyam.. Yeen & Rasy'ain yg open table smlm.. abe ikut aja.. almaklumla.. rezeki jgn ditolak, hehe… kitorg pekena ikan siakap stim, ayam goreng kerabu mempelem, kailan, tomyam putih + jus oren... mmg sempoi la..
Terbukti: Maut Kena Petir Waktu Guna Telefon Bimbit
Rosnah menunjukkan telefon bimbit yang digunakan Siti Munirah yang maut dipanah petir di Kampung Belimbing, Tanah Merah semalam. |
TANAH MERAH – “Saya mahu tidur puas-puas.” Itu ungkapan aneh yang diucapkan Siti Munirah Nordin (gambar), 13, pada cuti Nuzul Al-Quran Rabu lalu kepada ibunya sebelum remaja itu maut dipanah petir di bangsal berhampiran rumahnya dipercayai sedang menggunakan telefon bimbit di Kampung Belimbing di sini kelmarin.
Dalam kejadian pada pukul 5.50 petang itu, Siti Munirah meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian dengan kecederaan pada muka sebelah kanan dan kesan terbakar pada telinga, rambut dan punggung.
Mayat mangsa ditemui abangnya, Mohd. Firdaus, 16, pada pukul 9 malam setelah ahli keluarganya keluar mencarinya selepas tidak pulang ke rumah untuk berbuka puasa sejak keluar pada pukul 4.30 petang.
Telefon bimbit milik ibunya yang dipinjam mangsa pula ditemui di atas tanah di bawah bangsal tersebut.
Mangsa merupakan pelajar tingkatan satu Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Belimbing di sini.
Ibunya, Rosnah Dollah, 49, berkata, pada mulanya dia menyangka Siti Munirah pergi berbuka puasa di rumah kawannya tetapi terkejut apabila mendapat tahu kawan anaknya itu pulang ke kampungnya di Salor dekat sini.
“Sebelum kejadian, Siti Munirah sedang menggunakan telefon bimbit saya di dalam rumah dan apabila saya menegurnya kerana berbual terlalu lama, dia terus keluar dari rumah.
Ikuti berita selanjutnya di Kosmo! hari ini.
Pandangan abe: Penggunaan telefon bimbit sewaktu kilat dan petir boleh mendatangkan kesan mudarat kepada pengguna termasuk maut kerana alat itu mempunyai antena yang memiliki gelombang elektronik serta menarik panahan petir. Biasanya, panahan petir awan ke tanah ini akan mencari punca tertinggi di satu lokasi bagi membolehkan arus elektrik yang terkandung disalurkan ke objek tumpuan. So, sentiasa beringatlah ketika hujan / kilat & petir, jgn cuba utk call atau terima panggilan..sayangi diri anda..
Maklumat Rasmi Upacara Konvokesyen Ke-44 USM
klik disini:
Tahniah di atas kejayaan anda menamatkan pengajian. Dengan sukacitanya anda dijemput menghadiri Upacara Konvokesyen USM Ke-44 untuk penganugerahan Ijazah anda.
Upacara Konvokesyen akan diadakan pada 21 hingga 25 September 2011 (Rabu hingga Ahad) di Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra, Kampus Induk USM dan akan melibatkan sembilan pecahan sidang. Sila rujuk menu PECAHAN SIDANG bagi mengetahui Sidang anda menerima ijazah.
Sila ambil perhatian bahawa kerusi tidak akan disediakan untuk anda di dalam dewan sekiranya anda tidak menghadiri Majlis Konvokesyen. Kehadiran anda hanya akan diambil kira setelah anda mendaftar diri untuk mengikuti Sidang Konvokesyen pada waktu dan tempat yang ditetapkan.
Telekonvo akan diaktifkan pada 6 September 2011
Langkah 1 - Dail 600 83 789
Langkah 2 - Tekan 2 : Info Akademik Ijazah Pertama USM
Langkah 3 - Tekan 3 : Untuk Perkhidmatan Konvokesyen USM
(Akan diumumkan 23-26 Ogos 2011 ini)
Senarai Nama Graduan Terkini
Senarai Nama Graduan Ijazah Pertama
Senarai Nama Graduan Ijazah Tinggi
Jadual Pengambilan Jubah Mengikut Sidang
Alhamdulillah, abe akan konvo pada Sidang Pertama, Sesi Pagi dan akan dipengerusikan oleh D.Y.M.M Tuanku Canselor Universiti Sains Malaysia... hehe
Unser PFH103: Kini Hanya Tinggal Kenangan..
Date : 16 Ogos 2011
Place : Home Sweet Home, Penang
Time : 4.00 p.m
Info : Kelmarin adalah hari terakhir Unser PFH103 berkhidmat dgn family abe.. almost 10 years.. abe msh ingt lagi 1st time "kami berjumpa".. masa tu abe msh study kat perlis lagi.. time tu dah habis form 5, then abah, mama & family dtg ambil abe kat sekolah utk pulang selepas habis SPM.. mmg teruja sgt dpt naik kete baru.. brg2 abe kat asrama ms tu, smua diangkut balik.. maklumla, saiznye yg besaq.. hehe.. tp skrg tu smua tinggal kenangan.. insyallah dlm minggu ni, "penggantinya" akan sampai... doa-doakan agar urusan jual beli ini dapat siap dalam masa terdekat insyaAllah.. amin..
Place : Home Sweet Home, Penang
Time : 4.00 p.m
Info : Kelmarin adalah hari terakhir Unser PFH103 berkhidmat dgn family abe.. almost 10 years.. abe msh ingt lagi 1st time "kami berjumpa".. masa tu abe msh study kat perlis lagi.. time tu dah habis form 5, then abah, mama & family dtg ambil abe kat sekolah utk pulang selepas habis SPM.. mmg teruja sgt dpt naik kete baru.. brg2 abe kat asrama ms tu, smua diangkut balik.. maklumla, saiznye yg besaq.. hehe.. tp skrg tu smua tinggal kenangan.. insyallah dlm minggu ni, "penggantinya" akan sampai... doa-doakan agar urusan jual beli ini dapat siap dalam masa terdekat insyaAllah.. amin..
Interior: pilot & co-pilot...
6-8 passengers...
Toyota Unser, PFH 103
50 Tips Untuk iPad 2... (Part II)
26. Hidden apostrophe key on the keyboard
This is a great tip for any app, such as Notes, Pages or Mail, that you type into using the iPad's virtual keyboard. Rather than having to go to the second screen of the keyboard every time you want to type an apostrophe (which is a real pain) just tap and hold on the ! key and a hidden apostrophe option will appear - then just slide your finger up to access it.
27. Quick quotes
You don't have to move the iPad's second keyboard screen to enter a quotation mark either. Simply tap and hold over the ? key and a quotation symbol appears, which you can select by moving your finger upwards.
28. Add a full stop
Another great keyboard tip for typing in apps such as Pages, Notes or Mail is to doubletap the space bar at the end of a sentence. This adds a full stop and a space for you, which can be enormously time-saving when you're writing long articles.
29. Dim your iBooks
You can lower the brightness setting down to a low level using the Brightness option under Settings. But the iBooks app has its own brightness slider, which you can use to lower the level down more conveniently.
30. Change days
There's no way to swipe to change between days in the Calendar app, but don't forget the navigation bar along the bottom of the screen - this can be used to switch to different days (or weeks/months, depending on the view you've chosen). The current day is always shown in blue, or you can just tap the Today button to return to the current day.
31. Street View in Maps
The Maps app running Google's Street View is one of the coolest features of the iPad, yet accessing it is so confusing few people even know it's there. To access Street View you need to have dropped a red pin on the map (which happens when you do a search). You then tap the red and white icon of a person to enter Street View.
32. Directions in Maps
There's no free sat nav for the iPad, but directions in Maps are a substitute if you're walking, driving or taking the bus. Just tap Directions on the top left of Maps and the iPad even works out where you are right now, then takes you step-by-step through each stage of your journey.
33. Display PDFs
There are two ways to display PDFs on your iPad: you can either email them to your iPad, in which case you get an Open in iBooks button appear, or you can sync PDFs from your Mac or PC via the Books tab in iTunes.
To do this just drag and drop the PDF into iTunes, then when you sync your iPad click on the Books tab and select the PDFs you'd like to sync. In iBooks you click on PDFs in your library to see the PDFs you have ready to display.
34. Camera focus and meter
In the Camera app, tap on your subject to both focus on and meter the light properly. In this shot, notice how the chair is dark and the boy outside is properly metered. You can reverse that by simply tapping on the chair.
35. Get a grip
You'll probably hold the iPad by its sides, but it'll rotate to put the shutter button at the bottom, making you wobble when you reach for it. So use the orientation lock to put the shutter where you can easily thumb it, then just rotate your images or videos afterward in an image editor.
36. Take charge in FaceTime
Once you've started a video call, you can move the picture-in-picture window that shows you by simply dragging it around with your finger.
37. Photo Booth fun
Sure, you're great, but Photo Booth is even more fun if you point it at friends or family. Simply tap the 'twirly camera' icon in the bottom right. to use the camera on the back You can also snap stills by hitting the shutter button, but Photo Booth doesn't do video.
38. Download photos straight from your camera to your iPad
You can't plug an SD card from a digital camera straight into your iPad to view the photos, but you can purchase the iPad Camera Connection kit from Apple. With this device attached you can transfer photos straight from your camera's memory card. Get it from the Apple Store online.
39. Quicker websites
Save time typing web addresses in Safari by using the iPad's ".com" key when typing in a URL. A little-known timesaver is that if you hold down the .com key you get access to a menu that offers a and other options too.
40. Quick Safari scroll
You can jump up to the top of any web site - indeed any list - by tapping on the top of the title window. It's much faster than scrolling by hand.
41. Zoom in on websites
You can zoom in on any website by pinching out with two fingers on the screen. This also makes it easier to select words and tap links. To zoom out again, just pinch in with two fingers. Double-tap on any text or image to auto-zoom so it fills the screen.
42. Turn on Bookmarks bar in Safari
We all know you can tap the bookmarks icon in the Safari toolbar to access your bookmarks, but you can significantly cut down the number of taps it takes to get to them by turning on your Safari Bookmarks Bar permanently. In the Settings app, tap Safari, then turn Always Show Bookmarks Bar to ON.
43. Clear browsing history in Safari
Need to cover your tracks online? You can delete your Safari browser history in a flash. Just open the Settings app, then tap Safari and tap on Clear History. Note you can also wipe your Cookies and clear your Cache here too.
44. Open Safari links in a new page
You can open links in a new Safari window, rather than always opening them in the current one. Just tap and hold on the link and a pop-over menu appears giving you the option to open the link in a new page.
45. Find text on a page
You can search for a particular word on an open page in Safari. Type your word into the Google search box. You'll see a list of suggestions appear, and near the bottom you'll see "On This Page", showing how many times that word appears on the page. Tap the Find option to go to the first instance of the word.
46. Turn off iPad email alert chimes
You can turn off the chime for new emails. Go to Settings, then General, then Sounds and turn off the New Mail sound. You can also adjust sound levels here.
47. Preview more of your emails
The iPad's Mail app defaults to previewing two lines of each email before you tap on it. Sometimes however it would be handier to be able to see more of an email before loading the whole thing in, especially if you are on a slow connection. To do this open the Settings app, then tap on Mail, Contacts, Calendars and change the Preview options to add more lines.
48. Turn off iPad push mail
Most mail accounts default to Push as a delivery mechanism, if available. This automatically 'pushes' any new emails your way as soon as they are available. If you find this annoying or distracting you can set your Mail accounts to check for new messages at intervals, or manually so they only check for new messages when you tap the Refresh button. To turn off Push, select the Settings app and Mail, Contacts, Calendars and choose Fetch New Data, then turn Push on or off.
49. Make an iPad backup
If you want to make sure your iPad's data is properly backed up then you can force iTunes to back it up. When you're conencted to your Mac or PC, open up iTunes and right-click on your iPad in the Devices list and select Back up.
50. iPad is flat and won't charge
If your iPad battery is completely flat then it can take a while for the red battery symbol to appear when you plug it in to charge, indicating that it is charging. Don't panic, just leave it plugged in and wait - the charging symbol will appear eventually.
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